It has been a while since my last post and that’s because we’ve gone back home for a short break and visa renewals. Even though we are far beyond Marrakech, not even on Moroccan soil, I wish to share a little of the beauty of Italy’s best kept secret.
Our flight from Marrakech to Pisa was delayed. Airports in Italy were closing due to the volcanic ash and we sat anxiously in front of the airport departure monitor as one flight after the other was cancelled. Luckily our flight departed but upon arrival in Pisa all other domestic flights were cancelled leaving us stranded at the airport. By train we crossed the country, through the beautiful scenery of Tuscany, with a glimpse of the streets of Rome, passed the Vesuvius and along the stunning Amalfi coast until we arrived at the bottom of the boot all the way South, in Calabria.
Calabria is Italy’s infamous treasure, a politically neglected region and poorer than the northern and mid regions of the country but blessed with two seas colouring the coastline transparent blue. Calabria’s beaches are desolate and beautiful, overlooked by green mountains and ancient villages perched on top. Off the main track country life still breaths an era long gone in other parts of Europe and deeply rooted family traditions are well kept alive. The landscape of Calabria is sweet and peaceful which reflects upon its inhabitants and Calabrians may very well be the friendliest and most hospitable people of Italy.
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